PRINTABILITY OF RECYLED POLYOLEFIN PLASTIC Diana Gregor-Svetec, Tadeja Muck, Dejana Đorđević, Klementina Možina Summary During development and designing of packaging the ecological view is becoming very important. Eco-design is a part of the long-term development strategy of the Eupean Union till year 2014 and includes efficient use of the materials, reducing energy use, reducing use of enviromentally hazardous matrials, optimization of the lifecycle of product and increasing use of recycled materials. The use of polymers for production of packaging is constantly increasing, including polyolefins, and the recycling of them is becoming more important. Research of the influence of the structure and properties of recycled polyolefins on the quality of packaging is also becoming more important. The national Slovene research project is dealing with the eco-design of packaging made from the recycled polyolefins, printed with different inks and different printing techniques. Thin plastic plates were produced from the 100 % reycled polypropylene, low-density polyethylene and high-density polyethylene chips, made from the separatelly collected waste packaging in Slovenia. Plastic plates were printed with a UV Ink-Jet on a Large-Format UV printer TeckSmart UV1600/2500 (Tepede®). The starting-point of this research was to determine the printability of recycled polyolefins that were printed without prior surface treatment. Prints were visualy assesed and the pictures of prints made by the optical and scanning electron microscope were evaluated with the image analyses. PODATNOST RECIKLIRANE POLIOLEFINSKE PLASTIKE ZA TISAK Diana Gregor-Svetec, Tadeja Muck, Dejana Đorđević, Klementina Možina Sažetak Kod razvoja i dizajna ambalaže ekološki vidik postaje sve značajniji. Ekološki dizajn dio je strategije dugoročnog razvoja Evropske unije do 2014 godine i uključuje efikasnu uporabu materijala, smanjenje utroška energije, smanjenje uporabe sredstava štetnih čovjeku i okolišu, optimiranje životnog ciklusa proizvoda i sve veću uporabu recikliranih materijala. Pošto je uporaba polimera za izradu ambalaže, između njih i poliolefina, sve veća, recikliranje te ambalaže sve je značajnije, isto kao i poznavanje utjecaja strukture i svojstva recikliranog polimera na kvalitetu ambalaže. U nacionalnom istraživačkom projektu istraživan je ekološki dizajn ambalaže izrađene od recikliranih poliolefina i tisak sa različitim bojama i tehnikama tiska. 100 % reciklirani granulat polipropilena, polietilena niske gustoće i polietilena visoke gustoće, izrađenih iz odvojeno sakupljene otpadne ambalaže u Sloveniji, prerađeni su u tanke pločice. Plastične pločice tiskane su sa UV ink-jet bojama na veliko formatnom UV printeru TeckSmart UV1600/2500 (Tepede®). Osnova za istraživanje bila je ocjena podatnosti poliolefina za tisak a tiskana je neobrađena površina. Otisak je bio vizualno ocijenjen, a slike otiska izrađene na optičkom i skening elektronskom mikroskopu analizirane su slikovnom analizom. |